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The Church of Christ in Amsterdam has the status of ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling), Public Benefit Aiming Institution. All donations are therefore tax deductible. 



Chamber of Commerce:     34156394
RSIN:                                      810162167
Legal form:                            Vereniging
Statutory name:                   Church of Christ
Registered office:                 Amsterdam
Visiting address:                   Krimpertplein 3A, 1104PH Amsterdam
Telephone number:             +31(0)641922112 |+31(0)624300033 | +31(0)6 43807891 | +31(0)642141242
Internet address:        
E-mail address:            




Number of board members:            3
Is there a board/executive board:   Yes
Is there a person employed?            No
Is there a supervisory board/supervision?  No



The mission of the Amsterdam Church of Christ is to preach the gospel, teach the saved, provide a spiritual atmosphere and emulate the character of the Lord Jesus Christ.


The primary aim and objective of the Amsterdam Church of Christ, is continuing the work of Christ as He commanded us in Matthew 28:19-20: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.” We raise up disciples by teaching them the teachings of Christ with the word of God. 


We also follow the truth and we teach and preach this truth without adding or leaving out anything. 1st  Timothy 3:15 tells us: “… I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.”

In addition, the Church of Christ Amsterdam honors and worships God according to the Bible. We come together every first day of the week, participate in the Lord’s supper, sing songs, pray for mankind, listen and commit to evangelical work. Moreover, evangelism and benevolence are the pillars of the church.


Besides the worship services, we also conduct activities such as bible studies, youth symposiums and fellowships where we open our doors to each and everyone in a hospitable way to learn about God or enjoy each other’s company by doing activities. These are activities such as sports days, get togethers, men and women training, married and single classes, games and eating together. Moreover, we also set up benevolence projects for the needy within the community in Amsterdam South East. 

In principle, board members are not paid any form of compensation of remuneration. However, the case might be that they receive a compensation for expenses made on their personal end. The Church also has volunteers who participate in activities and project. These volunteers are usually the church’s own members. The board decides whether or not volunteer compensation is fitting. 

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